And we do not want to be in a crowded city for many logical reasons . Will my internet service still be available during a Tsunami ? As long as you were offshore a bit (distance depends on the underlying seafloor), the effects will be minimal. the way some people are talking about it, we wont have much land to run to. Are we at risk and what do you suggest? As if devastating water isnt enough to worry about. Your best bet is to go to Connecticut (were gonna bounce up in elevation during the shift), or somewhere with high elevation! Opinions vary regarding the height of the tsunami and range from 60 feet, to 300 feet, and even higher than that as it rolls up the shoreline of the East Coast of the United States and elsewhere. You will see the wave coming at you and the Govt will still be saying its just your imagination. I am not an expert on this subject, but it doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure out that type of event, event happenstance, energy, sea floor topography, and shoreline/land topography all contribute to this play of how fast it travels, how high the wave height will be once it approaches the shoreline, how far inland it travels, and how many lives will be affected and/or lost. Must get gill implants. Kellie H I have seen in a vision about six years ago, the plates shifting under the coastline by California. Around six minutes into this video, he says he has had about 5-6 visions of tsunamis on the East Coast of the United States, one from the Gulf of Mexico, about 4 or 5 or 6 tsunami dreams and . Yes I read something like that as well-that our powers that be placed some kind of bombs under the sea floor near tetonic plates under japan. If your on a river connected to where tsunami hit, a wave will surge up that river so dont be near any connected rivers. You dont have time to react. Your theory (Ken J.) Also, should I pray the Lord would keep us safe? Maybe go camping for a few days? I had a dream this past July.. it was either a 100-150 ft wave as I estimated from going outside and looking at my tree line and gestimating how much higher the water was.. this dream was so real, most intense dream Ive probably ever had, I could HEAR the tricking and then rushing of the water all around me.. at first I tried to forget about it and move on.. but it has stuck with me.. Now were looking at Sep. 20-30th . By GC. What Speed and Height of Tsunami would be created if a Large Astroid hit in the Ocean? The large one produced lightning before and when erupting. Also in the aforementioned volcano dream, there were tubes dug into and under the large volcano that some might use as escape. I think Id rather be taken out in the wave. I like .. .. I feel sorry if you think a tsunami of only 300 feet will come, but more then likely a 300 meter tsunami is possible to strike, Why ? The only way to survive is to move away from the coast. I LIVE IN OCALA FL WILL WE BE OK?ARE WE FAR ENOUGH INLAND? There is no way to tell how high/ inland a tsunami in this size would be. Is all NJ going to be under water?? Also,Perry Stone, from Manna Fest Ministries has been having dreams of this East coast Tsunami for years. Or, maybe we will go take our last walk on the beautiful beach. What are your thoughts? Go from September 22nd-September 25th. Donna, I truly dont know, Also,this is approx 55-60 miles inland from the east coast. Consider your neighbors, when finding refuge from the Atlantic seaboard during the pole shift in North Carolinas mountainous interior.. ?I live in south florida, we here will be in a new underwater society of the dead ? Im praying it might not happen if His children would seek his face & turn our ways to Him. is the only site that seeks this energy we all need. Across the entire US there will be gas shortages. There is high salinity too. This thing would unravel so fast that they just could get away with it. Tsunami Over USA East Coast Caroline Diadem 6.38K subscribers Subscribe 428 Share 4.8K views 7 months ago In 2016 I saw a huge tsunami hit the USA east coast and I saw a huge army. Yes! Julie Green once again tells us the message that she is being told to tell us and to additionally continue to keep faith. I would be doing that asap or you can sit around, do nothing, and take your chances. I live in NC butthe City I live in has decent elevation and is not on your map. Inestimable. Guess for that, you might be interested in knowing what the elevation in your area is? Sadly I live in Miami. As the wave reached the coast ascending to its appointed height, the number that came to my consciousness during the vision was 1000ft tall. They are habitable, can support crops in places, and have clear rushing mountain streams. I hope you know how to swim or surf. The potential devastation would remain pretty much near the shoreline in this hypothetical scenario. The shaded-colored coastal areas however, yes, those will certainly be underwater. A landslide at the Cumbre Vieja volcano could spark a devastating tsunami. God has a plan for His people and He will never abandon them or forsake them. Sadly, yes, the world and, in particular, the East Coast of the USA, is still under this mega-tsunami danger caused by the erupting volcano on La Palma island (Canary Islands). Julie Green: A TSUNAMI OF TRUTH IS COMING. EDIT (2022-02-15): Since we're now getting prophecies about tsunamis that are NOT the big one, I've decided to include them here as well. Needless to say that since the list shows all the high points down to 49 ft elevation, your CLOSEST distance to anything is a three hour drive to west of Orlando (Sugarloaf). Have a plan. A volcano has erupted on the Spanish Canary Island of La Palma, prompting unfounded fears that a so-called mega-tsunami could be headed to the East Coast of the United States. Also, how about a 800ft wave? I been praying what I should do with what Ive seen.. and it was not too longer after, I went back and read my note on my phone where I had wrote down and dated and timed my dream.. ok my dream happened on 7/16/19 5:15am.. but when I went back to look at my note in my phone.. the date I wrote was 11/16/19 5:15am.. part of what has me staying on all this is I think the Lord had me stumble across Perry Stone a few months before my dream.. But its not the wave at that point but the flood waters coming up . I think its time to start witnessing as much as possible, and being a light to the world, being the love of Christ to those in need. The Russians and the Chinese, and others have been building large Structures to house many 1000s of People on High Ground. On the island of La Palma, in the Canary Islands, a volcano erupted in. Were in Florida (East Coast) Central. Get on the survival sites and take notes. Or would it have to be as far as Ohio, or Atlanta Georgia? Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Tsunamis dont maintain their height. Lol. Maybe we can some way funnel the power and destruction into the DC area and save the rest of America? He will be your only safety during this event. With further research, the team found historical records of a tsunami in Japan in 1420 that fit with their dates. This 9.2 earthquake will cause a tsunami that devastates the Hawaiian Islands too. Each Area will be affected differently. Consider though if its a once every 5,000 year event, you will be lucky to live only 2% of that timeframe (100 years) so again, consider the probabilities. If you google and YouTube September 24th asteroid theres SO MUCH EVIDENCE! I live in Lake City Florida; if a tsunami warning comes out in some way, I am gone and away very quickly to North Georgia, no procrastination, and, I dont care about the things I leave behind. That Energy will release in several stages. It would impacted Wales then spread out ward, Ireland would deflect some of it, but the channel surge would be up through the St. Georges channel to the Irish Sea. Tsunamis are serious business. Looks to be a little west of the north end of the fissure cracking across the top of the ridge that runs to the southern point. Plenty more to worry about. There is no real evidence that this will occur. Definitely something is possibly coming and no one is speaking about it, That could mean a real shortage in fossil fuels, and all the more we need an energy this universe runs on, and the only research for that energy one can put their finger on is These show approximately the maximum extent of a tsunami wave, but even that is not exactly true, because moving water can travel uphill, but at the same time, it is bleeding off energy as friction with the surface. But Im prepared just in case. @Sarah where did you see evidence of such event to be happening? Wish I could convince my husband to fly us home right now! The further inland you go, the less height youll need to get to provided you dont end up in an area where the water doubles up due to deflection. God bless and guide us all. I am in different places when these things happen in my dreams. Hello I live in Guyton GA I think we are in danger, can you tell me how many inches the water can be with a tsunami 300FT? Open-mindedness is one of the many keys to survival. But we also need to be walking with Him daily so that when these things occur, we do not have to play catch up. The 2nd dream is of the accompanying tsunami which heads northerly along the eastern sea board and reaching far inland killing millions. Hope nothing happens tho guys and you wont need this! ?? Paulsboro, NJ is toast. The though on within a quarter mile of the Exeter River, like many northern rivers it is small an tortuous. We are in Fayetteville N.C and with the Cape Fear River here, a tsunami would definitely add energy with the rover and I think the sandhills would be underwater quite a bit. and traveling at over 400 miles an hour.the people on the east coast would have less than 8 hours to evacuate after the volcano erupted. Another option if you have a boat is to head to the Gulf asap. Were in Westbrook Ct. Been reading about the LaPalma Volcano. It seems prudent to rebuild the mid twentieth Century branch rail links into farm districts as a Famine Hedge. Total # of people who have survived a tsunami using your advice 0. In your opinion worst case scenario for Houston, Corpus Christi, Brownsville and Matamoros? When disasters happen, people go into a phase of survive the fittest. Soil will wash from under buildings so that they topple. He told me he is putting them to safety, of course I found myself on top of the mountain also but did not see water nor anything else. of a wall of water as it hits land, urban areas, estuaries, bays, hills, etc. Have you measured the width of the state lately? The maps present a glimpse of the raw data height elevation. Say a 600 to 1000 foot one? They have been working on this since the COVID lockdown was initiated and the workers were without masks and ignored the 6 foot social distance rule as if it did not apply to them. Stop fretting over the impossible taking place at La Palma. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Evidence suggests that pole shifts are both magnetic and geophysical, with a periodic cycle of recurring and predictable cataclysms involving huge earthquakes and tsunamis, changes in latitude and altitude, mass extinctions, and the destruction of civilizations, reducing them to myth and legend. Monstrous landslide expected to fall into Pacific off Big Island of Hawaii. I send an email to the weather channel wanting to know how far inland a wave of this magnitude would go but I have not received a response yet from them. I keep my Surfboard handy at all times, and am always looking for the next big wave. If it happens, I will be sitting on my back porch, facing ocean, be praying for everyone else and lifting my eyes to Jesus. Today we look at new dreams from Corra T. In her dream, California was hit by a massive earthquake and tsunami. I usually dream of being near two large nuclear disasters. Palm Bay Florida is a very large city of over 100,000 and the most populated zone in your county. Those inland will be left on their own odds are with no power or deliveries of anything for weeks at least. Fortunately events like this are very very rare but its always good to understand the risks. So have backpacks with a change of clothes, jackets and medications that you need or might need and also a first aid lit. I saw nearly all of FL underwater. When i have dreams that dont include this stuff, maybe they are the days and times we are on a good course. Also, some of these prophecies may not have a literal fulfillment in the form of an actual tsunami. I seen that too omg this makes me nervous and sick. The highest Elevation in Flordia is like 55ft, so even a small 150ft tsunami would probably sweep over most of the State. How the wave presents itself locally is due to local geography. Looking for a reply to my e-mail The BIG ONE isnt due to hit California until May 22, 2016. That Volcano on La Palma is ERUPTING NOW!!! Read through all the caveats that I discuss below, before checking out the maps. THERE IS GOING TO BE A 1000 FOOT WAVE AS THE RESULT OF AN EARTHQUAKE OFF THE COAST OF PUERTO RICO. 8 to 9 hours to get here or not, you can imagine the gridlock for many many hours on the roads and interstates; millions will die. Great move August Ark! The fact that you are thinking about it is something that most other people do not so youre already one step ahead. If this were to happen and it be the absolute worst case scenario, we live in Athens, Ga and my parents in Loganville, Ga. would you recommend evacuation? An event triggered from a landslide and I created a 1,700 foot wave. Chatted with a friend today who lives in the Canaries. Are you Ready? Sure the population density is very low in some places, but unless you can expect an agricultural future, then there is no future. Maybe keep a boat roped to your bedroom window (joke). Heres an excerpt from The Yugas: ken this would be a pseudo black swan event. It may serve as a barrier to mitigate the impact. Let me state this up front to you and anyone reading this, my comments are not meant to be snarky but I am a person who believes telling it like it is. What I am trying to find out is if it would be survivable it prepared and stocked. over the entire US. This prophecy predicts a series of tsunamis never seen before hitting cities and shorelines on the East Coast. Ohhh and look up Illuminati card game! There are many places you can find in literature where it is recognised that we have two Suns. Im in central Florida have a daughter in tampa. 20 miles is a long way Now if you were five miles, thats most likely another story. I think the confusion about Florida comes from people saying that a tsunami would only travel so many miles inland and many people live inland like in Orlando. I will Pray for you all. I used to work at Johns Hopkins Hospital there and there is very limited road network that is jammed in Normal times. If you live on the East Coast, then bugging inland would likely take you away from all of your supplies and heavy items like water and would result in terrible chaos and violence. or can moderators kindly pass my e-mail to Anonymous. Im inland 120 + miles141 meters of water will flood me. As also mentioned back and secondary roads are usually safer bits for avoiding traffic jams on main highways. I am in Georgia, just south of Atlanta.. Great article, your simulations are really impressive! Like give us that 5 hour notice ? It has an elevation above 400 feet. Create a free website or blog at Additionally, the wave would have to get over the Allegheny Front 60 miles to the east, which at its lowest point is about 2500 feet in elevation. @Steven -The map simply illustrates height above sea-level. 3) If you feel where you currently reside is not safe then plan on finding a location where you can work, feel comfortable within your community. I dreampt about 9 11 but didnt understand the dream until afterward. Im not saying were safe. For comparison, Katrina in 2004 had a storm surge of @ 25 ft. For Sandy in 2012 it was @ 9 ft. Latest research ( indicates a tsunami of 13 to 26 ft hitting entire East Coast and Caribbean if Cumbre Vieja splits and sends western flank into ocean. If a tsunami is going to hit here, this sort of dream/vision/prophecy activity is exactly what we should expect, for the Bible . I stay ready for anything ready to go. As we are not close to the galactic plane, any such passing through a magnetic plane into reversed polarity (for Earth) would have to be due to a very strong field of a solar binary companion and if such a binary companion exists, there is a conspiracy to hide it. Massachusetts drivers really do drive aggressively and dangerously. When it happens its too late! Or 1 Mile inland. Ive been reading about people having dreams of megaquake tsunamis a lot lately. However northwestern new jersey is very mountainous and is a safe haven, although like Out of NJ says, the nuclear plants could cause problems. Use your common sense, and do something b4 its too late. Make sure you and loved ones and friends are right with God now. With that kind of population density and without the local agriculture to feed those folks, then there is little chance at long term survival. Depends on the height of the wave and how fast that mass of land plunks into the ocean, but from what Ive read, anything near 75 feet high or more, all of Floridas goneunder water. Funny thing is, the anomalous horizon immediately caught my eye and I quickly deduced what was afoot. My mind is kinda blown. Any thoughts on what will happen to the gulf coast of Texas in this scenario? What then? Just my luck! Will Allentown and Bethlehem Pennsylvania be affected by a 300 foot tsunami? I cant seem to find my county on the maps. And Im 100% serious about buying homes in/around Tampa. Modern Survival Blog - Living a Practical Sensible Preparedness Lifestyle - coupled with a spirit of Self Reliance, an extent of Sustainable Living - all while pursuing Life, Liberty, and Happiness. Having said that, this may not happen for 1,000 years or maybe next month ;). Open Vision Of A Disaster That Hits Entire East Coast - Dr. Melanie Rettler Dr. Melanie Rettler's Map Dr. Melanie Rettler wrote me about a vision she had in 2012 which allowed her to see United States from above. If you cant, HOW WILL YOU KNOW (or plan) WHERE TO GO if you find you have to do that??? (Sorry, Ken. No one is saying anything about houston texas. The fool has said in their heart, There is no God'! I just read your comment. Marshall law would definitely follow. The magnetic pull would be tremendous. Including Power. Your odds of going out in the next 20-30 years are far higher from an accidental nuke exchange, or from an escalation going out of control on purpose. SoulSurvivor, Ok after reading the article and a few of the comments I noticed that most were talking about the tsunami caused by the Cumbre Vieja Volcano in the Canary Islands would only be 300 ft. however after viewing the Worlds Worst Disasters Season 1 Episode 7, and doing some personal research I found that the 300 ft is no where near the actual calculations of the tsunamiit would be a lot closer to 2000-3000 ft high. Florida? When the Grid shuts down prisons open and they spread out and we want 10 to 10 acres, Waterbury CT. Can anyone tell me if Id be safe there if there were a tsunami. I live in Chelmsford, MA. Very unlikely to happen in our lifetimes, chaps. I guess I am a goner as I live on Long Island. I am currently residing in Queens, New York and would like to know which would be the closest, yet safest areas in the event of a tsunami wave Almost certainly in the type of tsunami event considered in this blog many plants would not be able to shutdown or contain the consequences.,,, [ Also, ]. Just one other comment. The biggest problem will be surviving the aftermath even if you are lucky enough to survive it.. He said of the recent swarm Yes, that suddenly got quite interesting.. Read more Print length 211 pages Language English Publication date July 23, 2020 Dimensions 6 x 0.48 x 9 inches ISBN-13 Facing Katrina and Sandy last Summer as the beach errosion continues to take beach front homes Its time to get ready. When the volcano erupts, the east coast of the United States will be worse the the Japan tsunami. the Lord has guided me to where i am now through His grace, and i thank Him for it every day. If he is worried, Im definitely worried. It says 42 miles from Savannah but I see rivers. Get right with God. This will not only hurt the U.S.A. and Canada but South America Africa, Great Britain, and all the coast across the sea.Plus when the water recede wow what happens then? Among those one will be on the West coast of the US, but that one, would not be as large as the one that will come upon the East coast. Anyone on the coastlines will be underwater.. If you havent gotten OUT of FL., Please include a date that these were received, Please specify if your name should be used. The only thing I will say is: GOD DEVISED a plan to save the people on that island because I believed the message & 1 man gave all his efforts we worked together. I live in Winston salem NC if a mega tsunami hit the east cost is my city in danger giving the fact we like 200 miles from a beach bit we have the Yakin river that close by. Uncertain times . If one was large enough and it was within a couple of thousand miles of you though, you would not have to worry about a wall of water, for you would be incinerated first. New York, Boston and Miami could all be struck by the monster wave, while Central and South American tourist hotspots like the Bahamas, Barbados and Trinidad . Will we get hit by an asteroid/comet on September 24 no. Say this dose happen are they even going to tell us ? Not sure how well it would stand up. I understand and fully believe God is in control and nothing happens that he doesnt allow. The colored maps within the article clearly show the elevation levels for each part of the east coast for everyones reference. Copyright 2023,, All Rights Reserved. oh well, like water better then fire. I guess that leaves two solutions. *Used to live there. Your dreams I am sure were so intense. If it was conventional explosives, quite a lot could be loaded into a submersible Moved off of Long Island to non coastal New Hampshire. Dont say you werent warned! They wont want to create a panic and given their history of covering up news, you will have to create your own pipeline for news and internet sites that you trust. I grabbed her hand and said , Dont be afraid, I will see you in a couple of minutes( meaning I would see her when we crossed over). A tsunami will speed across the ocean at hundreds of miles an hour but at a relatively small height (because the ocean is DEEP). Would you really wish to be among those folks? Science, as determined by humans, is more mistake prone than the manufacturing processes in Lada factories! I am concerned about the predicted asteroid hit by Ephraim Rodriquez, I think I am in a very safe area above Farmington Maine, but how far inland would a much larger tsunami than 300 ft travel. What about Pearland Texas.. Do you feel the government ramp up in supplies in Fema Region 3 and them bringing in foreign troops is to prepare for this tsunami? Regards to diana.. Earthquakes started 2 days ago but on pacific coast. A celestial body will land on the Atlantic Ocean creating a tsunami 300 meters high, traveling at the speed of sound. Well written too! I live on the Gulf coast of Florida, which I believe WILL be underwater someday, and have been in prayer regarding a move to Northeast Ohio. Okay, SO SOMETIMES ARCHEOLOGY WILL FULFILL PROPHECY! The nearest bodies of water are the East River by Hunts Point. Think about military lingo for railways: Second Dimension Surface Transport Logistics Platform, unfortunately no one in FLORIDA is safe. I can think of many scenarios in which living there would result in doom in most any kind of collapse event. a large meteorite or comet would cause a helluva lot higher wave than 300 feet. It is the oscillation of our Sun (in its 24k orbit with its dual) above/below the galactic plane (and respective magnetic field polarity) that flips the Earth every 12k. the tsunami travels, however, a more intense event, like an asteroid, meteor, or other object splashing into the Atlantic would probably garner much more energy, wave height, and moving the tsunami much further inland. NB There is no passing in our barycentric orbit (as trains pass), but our two Suns may coincidentally pass through the same plane, i.e. I see the wave rear up far from shore. Nothing against you bro get some floaties!!! While another tsunami may be more compressed (in frequency) and be thrust forward very quickly while traveling a long distance inland (remember Japan?). The theories are very lucid and well-thought-out from my perspective. I m in Hollywood,Fl 3 mins from me is Ft. Lauderdale. We ceased to be one nation under God when we legalize abortion, killing millions of babies a year. We are not close to the galactic plane; we just crossed it about 3 million years ago and will not do so again for another 30 million. Even the Vatican is in alert pointing their telescopes at the skies. Clearly from style one person with many names has multi posted last night. It doesnt show it on the above maps because they are too far west in the map. Shows. There is a lot of Smart People from NASA, Scientist, and other sources putting out this Info if you look, Read, Listen. Just DONT BE ON THE SHORE LINE on 9/25/15. No buoys in the Atlantic until you get an hour off the USA east coast. As the author points out, these are not inundation charts, these are altitude charts. It may also symbolize tsunami like changes in the nation as a whole, starting on the East Coast. Also, a tsunami would reach the state of Kentucky. Thank you for your model, I firmly believe in be prepared, not scared. Its true, Jesus is the only one that can save you, your salvation is at hand at any given time. (I live near Gainesville), Im in norwich CT and going crazy trying to figure the risks any advice appreciated. Full-Rip 9.0: The Next Big Earthquake in the Pacific Northwest, 300 Foot Tsunami And East Coast Destruction,, Sometimes i see a giant wave. If not be prepared to give your life because when this flood comes in, it's going to reach the Appalachian Mountains but it won't cross it." ~~~~~ Warning Dream of Tsunami to Kill 22 Million Thanks and god bless. Out of curiosity, do your models of Florida include the breakwater effect that the Bahamas will have on any tsunami? Asteroid across Ohio sky. Almost certainly in the type of tsunami event considered in this blog many plants would not be able to shutdown or contain the consequences. This aint a hurricane. I have also had several dreams of an earthquake and a tsunami and yes its going to be Mega, So much that I have asked everyone in my household to get save and ensure their soul is right with God. We live in New Mexicolots of beach, but not much water. Why are hundreds and hundreds of stores going out of business? There are prophecies of another massive earthquake that will follow the Mississippi right up through this corridor. @Aimee that comet prediction for Sept 2015 is apparently based on one persons nightmare about it happening near him (in Puerto Rico), and massive internet massaging of his dream. The $10 shows a tsunami. This gives the sound various qualities beyond pitch, gain, and volume such as timbre. The it averages from 140 to 160 above sea level. By the time the decision is made to alert the public to evacuate is given, then the roads will be completely full of much higher than normal congestion.