qu pasar con las dems cuando la polica arresta a sus padres por negligencia?, sera un camino largo y dificil para que todos encuentren el bienestar perdido y el amor. (The word 'monster' echoed in Lori's head, making her feel more guilty by what she did. But now I realize, that NOTHING, can ever beat how much I cared for you Lincoln, and I'm sorry! As the show approached, a number of people showed up to attend the circus, especially once word got out Lincoln was in the show. When Lincoln comes back home, I'm going to do everything I can to help Lincoln get better, then maybe he will forgive me. Lincoln: Is that why you did all those nice things? Lincoln: It's okay, it not your fault. -Lincoln's gone! screamed Lynn Sr., as he held up the piece of paper that read Goodbye and Good Riddance!. Rita: No Lincoln. -That would be great. Mature. Bruno growled, as he introduced his act. I WAS supposed to watch the finale of my favorite TV show, but Lori always takes up that time because since she thinks she's the oldest, she's the boss around here. Leni: Hey! Rita was at home with the twins, who were too young to go at the time. CartoonsLoud House Follow/FavOne-shot collection By:nightmareking A series of one-shots centered around the Loud kids. Next came Cat Tamer Tobias along with his two tigers, and his black panther. I've got a proposition for you. Just then the phone rang, and Lynn Sr. went to pick it up. In the next scene, paramedics are carrying Lincoln on a stretcher with a blanket over him. Well come on everybody, we're on next, and the the Palmers, along with Lincoln and the primates all walked out to be introduced. You'll have the best seats in the house.. We may be a family, but at the same time we are also a business., -Yes Lincoln, it's not always smiles for us, said Mr. Palmer. Pfft, I can do that, said Lynn, as her sisters rolled there eyes. -We gotta find Lincoln, and make things right, said Lori, as the other sisters all nodded in agreement. Luan: Going to school when you have a fever is snot the best idea. Anything new, today? Lincoln: *sniffle* I feel sick and weary like I am carrying 20 yaks. Lincoln: L-Lori! You wouldn't have known that the "monster" was going to throw me a second time, because it wasn't necessary! The game that Lincoln and Leni were playing is based on the App called Icon Pop Quiz. Lily began crying, and Lincoln picked her up, and made her stop crying. You're very strong, said Lincoln. Now I know what you're thinking, Lincoln that's big, aren't you going to regret that? Lori: Oh come on Leni! Request from Evancorp123456. I'm glad I have Leni give that speech about how they were all to blame for Lincoln running away, because I feel it gave her a moment of displaying practical wisdom, as well as her optimistic words later on that Lincoln will eventually be found, and things will be set right. -Oh my gosh! said the woman from the primate act, that's just awful. What if he doesn't come to my wedding? You make circus life sound better and better, said Lincoln. -Well girls, the police are on the search, but it seems like Lincoln isn't even in town anymore. Said Lynn Sr., as he walked out of the room crying while Rita goes to comfort him. Am I really like that? He sat there on the bus, as some other passengers looked and wondered why he had so many bags with him. -We love you to Lincoln, said his entire famly. (It starts at night, with Lincoln watching TV with his ten sisters: Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lana, Lola, Lisa, and Lily. -Well Lincoln this is it, said Lincoln, as he went over to Daisy, as she picked him up and was aiming to throw Lincoln right through the hoop. Not a country. Lincoln: Wait a minute. Lincoln: (breathes in) Alright, I'll go in there, but I have to be very careful if Lori shows up. -And you Lynn, said Lana, always hitting him, here see how you like it, and she shoved Lynn. I'm going to love my new life in the circus, said Lincoln, as he fell asleep. Would you be interested? Lincoln Loud Needs a Hug Lincoln, after being left out tries to see who is ansestors are to see who he's supposed to be. -Well, we've all inconvenienced him at some point, like when we attacked him for the best seat in the car and how we were so mean to him about both his Ace Savvy costume & clogging the toilet, ruining his chances of getting his zombie bran & getting him in trouble with mom and the time we messed with his life during the stupid sister fight protocol. It felt like a plague. Lisa: Okay Lincoln. (to Lincoln) You've really done it this time, twerp! -Of course Mr. Rolan, what's up? asked Lincoln. Lisa: Throat is pretty swollen up and mangled. WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?! Things get worse when the poor boy is gunned by a criminal (and survives to disown almost the whole family): now the family must be prepared to face the consequences of their actions; at the same time, it becomes clear there was more behind Lincoln getting shot than the boy simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time. -Everybody! shouted the ticket guy, as he entered the tent, Lincoln isn't an orphan he. Resume whatever it is you are doing. I guess it was because as I got older, the family got so loud and crowded that I had to become the boss of everyone. Rita: I think you may need a cup of hot chicken noodle soup. -Ha, ha, ha, ha! laughed Luan. Lisa: Lincoln is sick so I need some medicine for him. Rita: (crying) Oh, I hope Lincoln will be okay! -Goodbye Lily! said Lincoln as he picked her up, to hug her. He came across one, and went into the office. It was just another evening at the Loud House, but this particular evening was even more chaotic than usual. Bobby's about to show me our anniversary gift since we first met! I can literally name every single time that you have done something stupid to get on my nerves! -Thank you so much for taking care of our son, said Mr. Afterwards Lincoln left a tip for the waitress, went to pay the check, and walked out of the diner. He couldn't even hear the words she was speaking even though he was this close, it was like his mind just blacked her voice out. Leni & Lola: Shhh!, be quiet, you are dead! When a space rock crash lands in the loud family's backyard, Lisa loud began to run some tests on it. Three of them were sitting there as customers, while the female clown was the waitress, and the short clown was the cook. -Come to The Rolan Circus with our special guest for tonight only LINCOLN LOUD?, said Clyde. (Yes, NSL, STFU). -He said he didn't want to see, or talk to any of us Leni, said Lynn. Because of this, Lincoln ricochet off the door and fell down the stairs. Lisa: I heard that someone is not feeling very well. Bruno lifted the bench with ease, and the crowd applauded. I need you to open your mouth wide, stick out your tongue, and say ahh. He had seen how the circus folk are all one big functioning family unit, and he was happy to be a part of it, but he felt like something was missing, and he was beginning to wonder if he was feeling homesick. -We're not hungry, said Lori, in a depressed tone. Lincoln resorts to drastic measures to save his relationship with his older sister Lori. Lori and Leni fighting over a dress, Luna and Luan are fighting over of how they got the dress, Lana and Lola are fighting because . Even if they end up pregnant. It has been a few weeks since the "No Such Luck" incident. Lincoln rolled down the window, and waved to his circus friends with all of them waving back, as Vanzilla drove off. I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS LINCOLN! He looked out, and saw a rat near his room), (The rat suddenly ran off, and into Lori and Leni's room), (Lincoln quickly ran into the basement, and grabbed a small net, just the right size to catch the rat). Slag off! Lori: Tomorrow, I'll take you out for ice cream. Lynn: Look at this, Stinkoln is freaken dead! Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls of all ages welcome, to The Rolan Circus. Loudcest (The Loud House) Summary. -Wow I didn't know Lisa still had this installed here. The girls all rush to the window, and see Lynn Sr. and Rita wheeling Lincoln outside the van), (All the sisters run outside, with Lori being the last one to walk out. The monkeys and Daisy were all flattered by Lincoln's words, and walked over to meet him. -Goodnight! said the manager, as Lincoln walked out of the motel. All of the sisters were flabbergasted by Leni's speech. Lori: Good punch line, but can you tell who killed Lincoln? Lori: How many times do I have to tell you?! This I gotta see.. There's no telling where he could be, said the second cop, but not to worry, we're spreading the word throughout the county, and all the neighboring towns should be alerted as soon as possible.. -Thanks, but I'm just a newbie here. Lincoln gets into bed, and looks at the audience, Man, this is such a great life. The finale with the entire cast of the circus came to a musical end, and the big top exploded with thunderous cheers and applause from the entire crowd. My name is Lincoln, Lincoln Loud. -Yeah! Lola, Luna, Leni & Lori: Lincoln is Dead? -The show starts tonight at eight, so we have less than twelve hours, replied Mr. Palmer. (Lori patted Lincoln on the head, then took her broken phone downstairs). Why can't my family be more like yours? said Lincoln. Okay Daisy! What I'm trying to say here is, Lincoln, I love you, and as your older sister, I should've been better towards you. He picked up the note, and let out a huge scream. (The shotter is revealed to be Lola) Lola: You are DEAD! Good evening Royal Woods, said Mr. Palmer. But I have no invites for anyone! Your family is even bigger than mine, and you all get along great. All of his sisters sans Leni, Luna, and Lily laughed. I'm just going to move on, and not dwell on the past.. -Girls you have to eat something, said Lynn Sr. -How can we eat, when Lincoln is out there somewhere, and we don't know where? said Luna. (Lynn took her soccer ball, while Lori helped Lincoln back on his feet), (Lori walked away, and Lincoln looked more confused, but generous. I'm really going to miss you all, said Lincoln, as he hugged Mr. Rolan. I would understand if it was someone like Luna or Leni. Lori: (appears next to Lincoln) Why would I do that? And don't forget to shake well before using. Friend #1: How could you hurt me like that?! Lucy: He even referred to you as a "monster". (Leni headed downstairs, while Lori looked really upset. He saw that his favorite show was about to come on, but so was Lori's on another channel). The Loud House . -We know! said the circus folk in unison. He was unconscious due to all the blood from his broken body). After the show had concluded the Loud family were standing outside the big top waiting for Lincoln to come out. You physically injured your own brother. The speakers were loud and Lincoln felt an unholy crankiness come over him as the sound was threatening to knock him off his feet. As he walked up to the line he waited until he reached the ticket booth. Wow! In one particular room stood the only boy, Lincoln Loud. That night, Lincoln was sleeping in bed, feeling a little cold. Give it up for our fabulous trained monkeys.. Lincoln followed the Palmers into their tent, where he also got to meet the monkeys and gorilla that they use in their act. Lincoln: Can I play with Clyde on Friday and have a sleepover? However, Lori came in and immediately put Lincoln back onto his bed). It would be awesome to see Lincoln in the circus, said Lana. Lincoln began to pack everything he would want to bring with him, and also went into his secret storage spot where he had money hidden away, I always knew this would come in handy, said Lincoln as he grabbed the money, and shoved it into one of his bags.