Staff are manipulative, condescending, and power hungry. I came to this residential treatment center after completing a wilderness therapy program and this was supposed to help me deal with my feelings and emotions in a positive way during my last year of high school. There is no formal eating disorder treatment or meal support available to students. I have made a formal complaint to the Utah State Department of Licensing. Because of the familys role in shaping our basic relational patterns, it can also be the key to effective therapy and individual healing. Classic TTI I'm afraid. Basically they said we only had to eat 3 meals but then made us eat 6. They were sneaky with our money too. All correspondence and conversations with family are monitored heavily and any complaining to parents leads to a heavy negative consequence. They didn't give me all of them, she says. Someone had to sit next to you while you ate to make sure that you finished ALL of it even though you were not required too. i left with severe PTSD and a deep wariness of all therapists. Please., 1/2/2021: (SURVIVOR) Place isnt helpful for anybody I know and I was there for more than a year. I would never send my child here. There's nothing more that we're afraid of than not being believed after everything we've went through, Rayburn says. Our bathroom breaks were monitored and you were not allowed to use the restroom until at least one hour after a meal. All Eva Carlston families participate with their daughter in weekly family-therapy sessions. While it is sometimes uncomfortable being on the receiving end of feedback, this feedback may be direct but it is always respectful (not 'attacking'), and clients then have the opportunity to take in this feedback to help them take accountability and growth in their relationships with others., The spokesperson also said: Providing the best possible care for teens and families who are struggling is the priority for Eva Carlston, and the vast majority of our clients have a positive experience.. #fyp. However, the year our daughter spent at Eva Carlston Academy was significantly damaging and profoundly and negatively impactful to her. for all chores we had every single room white glove tested and if it wasnt clean goes what!!! I once lost the right to free time, hanging out with friends, and talking because my pant zipper was down. there were several times I came back from a homevisit with money and they said they would send it back to my parents and when i asked my parents if it got back to them they said no it was never sent. For some people that was enough food and for some people it wasnt. At Eva Carlston Academy, adolescent girls who have struggled deeply are invited to find their unique place in the world, a passion to inspire and guide them, and a sense of purpose in life.It's through a combination of sophisticated therapy, mentorship, the arts, and experiential learning that students at Eva Carlston heal and grow.They discover that they can succeed, take care of themselves . Girls are not allowed to leave the house unless they are awarded to, which happens rarely, and they are never allowed to be without the abusive staff. No matter how girls who were there behaved, they left with regrets. At Eva Carlston Academy, we push our students to make sure they understand what it looks like to put effort into ourselves, and the benefits that . They are in constant states of fear and are threatened often. *Rae and Kyra have both chosen to keep their last names private. However girls who arrive there are emotionally and psychologically abused by staff and directors. Eva Carlston tells Refinery29 that they are a fully licensed facility that actively cooperates with state licensing and regulatory boards to ensure its compliance with best practices. Spring Ridge Academy did not respond to Refinery29s request for comment about their accreditations, although on their website they say, We address issues through the utilization of a thorough, multi-faceted therapeutic program. That messed with my body so much that I developed IBS and would throw them up.". The answer seems to be that the majority of them are hiding what they do in plain sight. Eva Carlston Academy abuse. You are also punished for exhibiting symptoms of mental illness or emotional distress. the tactics they pulled bordered on conversion therapy if you didnt knuckle down and let them shut you up. i am also queer and anyone who was LGBTQ+ there was not allowed to talk about their orientations because it wasnt appropriate to discuss it outside of individual therapy, apparently. Which was to write down a consequence for asking when I could pack my bags(yes the night before they would still not allow me access to my luggage to pack) so I walked upstairs without asking, to my bedroom and started reading a book and ignoring the staff trying to tell me to write down numbers on a fuck piece of cardstock. you earn a -2,000 points. like I literally have 504 plan for it. Substance Abuse Group:The earlier an individual begins using drugs, the more likely abuse and addiction will result. Overall this place is fucking sneaky and staff dont know what the hell they are doing. I strongly regret sending my daughter to this facility and am emotionally distraught as I watch my daughter continue to be traumatized by this center. Tara (Google Reviews), September 2020: (PARENT) Our daughter was a resident at Eva Carlston Academy. Communication with parents is restricted and constantly monitored Ive seen and heard of girls doing things like self-harm and starving themselves just to be able to go to the hospital so they could tell their parents the truth about how they were being treated without fear of repercussions. , I have attended ECA twice. The regulations are very inconsistent across states, but kids are very mobile and they get moved all around. Certain staff were very disrespectful but we couldnt speak up about it because we would get in trouble if we did. This process helps them develop and maintain healthy relational skills that will transfer to life after treatment. you wouldnt be allowed to speak to anyone, read a book, write in your journal, or do anything except silently work on assignments and ask for more. The campus contains three houses, in which anywhere from 12 to 16 girls live. Press J to jump to the feed. okay so all in all. I have since learned that the Eva Carlston model was created for treating manipulative, lying girls and I do not know the efficacy of the program for that population. Each resident is required to earn at least 10,000 points per day, which are awarded for good behavior. Please sign this petition to investigate and hopefully shut down Eva. Kristi Ragsdale did not address the situation at all even the therapists let this slip. They strictly measure every serving of food and also force the girls to eat everything on their plates at each meal or they will receive negative consequences. Points are deducted for the smallest, most minor transgressions like leaving a pair of shoes out or having a corner of your bed spread poking out. so when you get there, youre on the daily level, its the first level of four. I would get sick and throw up all the time because I would be stuffing my face with food when I was full, she remembers. Anyone who attended, I am so deeply sorry. That same student, alleges Rayburn, tried to hang herself in her bedroom one night. one, DO NOT SEND YOUR CHILD HERE. But many of our girls have failed to find their place socially and have resorted, instead, to withdrawal or to self-destructive and inauthentic ways of gaining peer approval. The addictions group teaches about the process of addiction and how addictive behaviors interfere with and disrupt lives. 379 Counselor jobs available in Bingham Cyn, UT on I have certain trauma things and there was a staff that would run behind people, pretend to hit people and tell people to shut up. It isnt only their own experiences that were traumatic. . We were told to change the topic if it sounded like we were complaining or being negative. Indicators of Abuse; Safe TTI Facilities; Advocacy Organizations; FOR PROFESSIONALS. What Is Happening Inside The Troubled Teen Industry? The heightened anxiety caused by the program itself is absolutely unnecessary and counter productive for traumatized girls already suffering. Eva Carlston Academy is a drug rehab facility in Salt Lake City, Utah. She also spoke at length about her experience in her 2020 documentary, This Is Paris, detailing the ways she says she was emotionally and physically abused by staff members, completely cut off from the outside world, and force-fed mystery medication; when she refused to take it, she would be put into isolation for 20 hours at a time, without clothing and freezing cold. SODAs stand for situation, options, disadvantages, advantages. I am 25 now and this place still causes me extreme emotional distress. Please dont send your daughter here. Thank you. Well then I realized I was starving so I did the worst thing I had ever done while at ECAI went downstairs without asking to the pantry without asking and got my box of honey graham Ohs I bought with my points at the convenient store run and i took them upstairs without asking and ate them in my bed. Based on our family's experience, our educational consultant says she will no longer refer families to this . They pick favorites and basically say screw everyone else. All the girls felt in danger and the owner. This program left our child with deep scars, and she is currently undergoing specialized trauma-focused therapy to process and heal from her experience. Not all of us have had parents like you. All incoming and outgoing mail is reportedly monitored and censored by staff. okay so all in all. I was forced to eat pork and red meat which is against my beliefs, and was threatened to eat it. Eva Carlston Academy is a #finearts based residential treatment program for girls. When I would sleep, I would scratch my skin to the point where it was bleeding and I had scars on my back. Any and all alleged/suspected abuse is reported to our state regulatory authorities, law enforcement, and Child Protective Services immediately as required.. They said we didnt have to eat all of our food but when we didnt we got in trouble and sat there until we did because otherwise we couldnt do anything. After researching this facility we had the impression this would be a nurturing and supportive environment for our child to continue her growth and development as she was exhibiting depression and anxiety. I couldnt make eye contact with a male for years without feeling fear. It is not okay for staff to look up peoples parents on Facebook and make condescending attacks on a persons family directly to the persons face. Find people working at Eva Carlston Academy. The rest of it was not only unhelpful for me but harmful and traumatic. Anonymous (Niche), 8/6/2020: (SURVIVOR) hi so i went to eva carlston and got pulled my 82nd day. Community. Every day I counted my card every 5 minutes and brainstormed constantly about how I was going to make enough points for the day so I could eat an extra 100 calories or so after dinner and chat nervously with my friends. . Recreational activities also help build confidence and self-esteem, and provides opportunities to practice stress-reduction techniques and pro-social skills. they rated her every night like she was a yelp review. Despite the fact that the program was created to help adolescents with behavioral issues, I was forced to stay for an entire year. They locked it in a closet and never let me use it. I was at Eva Carlston back in 2013. Sue Johansen-Hoffman is the Clinical Director of Eva Carlston Academy. I don't know anyone who can live on 1 cup of cereal and a dozen raspberries. Our treatment approach is gender-specific, using the best, research-validated approaches for supporting womens mental health. She previously has worked at both, currently works as a Therapist at Eva Carlston Academy. Terrible. There was a lot of shame-based stuff there., Rae also describes attending group therapy sessions known as feedback that involved anywhere from 10 to 70 students. worked as a Psychiatrist at Eva Carlston. my parents had to demand a private phone call with me to find out all the freaky shit that was going on and even during my so called private phone call there was this psycho staff that came in and told me if I didnt hang up that she would physically take the phone from me even though I had permission and yeah that still makes no sense to me.